Trabalho a ser apresentado na sessão de casos clínicos no XI CBHO - 15/11
dos recentes estudos para o entendimento da dor, ainda é difícil definir
claramente a experiência dolorosa. Essa dificuldade existe porque a dor é uma
experiência complexa, particularizada e que envolvem aspectos psicológicos,
fisiológicos, emocionais e afetivos. Sendo a nevralgia trigeminal uma das
enfermidades faciais com maior sintomatologia, a homeopatia se apresenta como
recurso terapêutico que avalia e compreende o processo de adoecimento,
individualizando cada caso. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar a
como opção terapêutica no tratamento da nevralgia trigeminal em uma paciente
que vem sendo atendida pela disciplina de clinica odontológica integrada –
Uniban/Anhanguera desde 2006, Sra. M.R.R., 64 anos, leucoderma, gênero
feminino, brasileira, aposentada, fazendo uso hoje de próteses totais sup. e
inf. Apresentava como queixa principal crises nevrálgicas, com lateralidade
esquerda e trajeto da dor pelo ramo mandibular.
submetida a consulta homeopática odontológica para a seleção do medicamento individualizado
e prescrição. A paciente relatou os seguintes sintomas que foram repertorizados:
tensão muscular, dor na face , dor espontânea como choques elétricos e com os
seguintes aspectos psicológicos de: indignação, transtornos por indignação,
rancorosa, ditatorial, briguenta e impulsiva. Após avaliação dos sintomas, foi
selecionado o medicamento homeopático Nux
vomica. Este caso tem seguimento pela COI há 6 anos, sendo a paciente
submetida a avaliação periódica e sem relato de crises nevrálgicas.
Recent studies to the understanding of pain, it is still difficult to define clearly a painful experience. This difficulty exists because the pain is a complex, individualized and involve psychological, physiological, emotional and affective. Trigeminal neuralgia is a disease of the facial more symptoms, homeopathy presents itself as a therapeutic resource to evaluate and understand the disease process, individualizing each case. The aim of this paper is to present
homeopathy as a therapeutic option in the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia in a patient who is being served by the discipline of integrated dental clinic - Uniban / Anhanguera since 2006, Mrs. RRM, 64 years, caucasian, female, Brazil, retired, now making use of prostheses total sup. and inf. Presented as the main complaint neuralgic crises, with left lateral movement and path of pain by the mandibular branch.
She underwent a homeopathic consultation for the selection of dental medicine and individualized prescription. The patient reported the following symptoms that were repertorizados: muscle tension, facial pain, spontaneous pain like electric shocks and psychological aspects of the following: anger, anger disorders, spiteful, dictatorial, impulsive, and quarrelsome. After evaluation of symptoms, was selected homeopathic remedy Nux vomica. This case is followed up by the university for 6 years, and the patient was subjected to periodic evaluation and no report of neuralgic crises.
homeopathy as a therapeutic option in the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia in a patient who is being served by the discipline of integrated dental clinic - Uniban / Anhanguera since 2006, Mrs. RRM, 64 years, caucasian, female, Brazil, retired, now making use of prostheses total sup. and inf. Presented as the main complaint neuralgic crises, with left lateral movement and path of pain by the mandibular branch.
She underwent a homeopathic consultation for the selection of dental medicine and individualized prescription. The patient reported the following symptoms that were repertorizados: muscle tension, facial pain, spontaneous pain like electric shocks and psychological aspects of the following: anger, anger disorders, spiteful, dictatorial, impulsive, and quarrelsome. After evaluation of symptoms, was selected homeopathic remedy Nux vomica. This case is followed up by the university for 6 years, and the patient was subjected to periodic evaluation and no report of neuralgic crises.
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